I have been procrastinating making this post but about two months ago I decided to sell Endurance. I let it go for a few hundred dollars less than I had paid. I sold to the first person who found it on Craigslist and came to take a look. The new owners name is Christopher (left). From the moment I met him I knew he would be a great next owner for this boat. He has the same enthusiasm I do. So why sell such a great boat? Ultimately, I got bit by the racing bug. I found myself spending more time on my local waters competing in evening rum races and weekend club races than I did cruising. Where the Sea Pearl 21 is genius in its simplicity I found my self surrounded by sailors who wanted to go fast and spoke in terms that did not exist on a unstayed cat-ketch design. I felt like I had gotten everything I could from this boat before I needed to start tweaking it and that did not sit well with me because it would take the boat away from its strengths.
My hope is that Christopher will start his own blog and continue to keep you informed on Endurance and the adventures that lay ahead.
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